Goal: to help children, learn, celebrate, share, and live our Catholic faith.
Sunday, 10:05 – 10:55AM at St. Mary Church Rectory
Students are divided by grade level, one catechist and two assistants per group. Age appropriate activities, prayer and music are integrated into the lessons.
Third Wednesday of the month, 5:30 – 7:00PM in St. Mary Church Hall
Parents teach their child at home and participate in monthly family community events that provide fellowship and faith enrichment opportunities.
Reconciliation – Grade 2
Children who have been enrolled in Faith Formation for at least one year can participate in preparation for the sacrament of Reconciliation. Students can enroll in either our Family Model (Parents complete required materials at home) or our Classroom Model (Students learn in a classroom setting with a catechist). Both models will participate in two retreats on Saturday mornings as scheduled in preparation for the sacrament. These retreats are for both the parent and the child to attend and are mandatory.
Confirmation and First Eucharist – Grade 3
Children who have been enrolled in Faith Formation for at least one year can participate in preparation for the sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist. Both sacraments take place during the SAME mass and will be prepared during the same year. Students can enroll in either our Family Model (Parents complete required materials at home) or our Classroom Model (Students learn in a classroom setting with a catechist). Both models will participate in three retreats on Saturday mornings as scheduled in preparation for both sacraments. These retreats are for both parents and child to attend and are mandatory.
Catholic School Students (SMA, SPA, STA, etc.)
Students who attend Catholic School in our area and are members of our parish must prepare for all three sacraments through the parish. If your child is in second grade, please contact Megan Licata to register for preparing for Reconciliation. If your child is in third grade, please register them for Confirmation and First Eucharist.
Older students
We always welcome any children who are drawn to the love of God and wish to be filled with his Grace. If your child is older (grade 4th-12th) and they are interested in any of the three sacraments and have completed at least one year of religious education, please contact Megan Licata to discuss a plan for receiving any or all the sacraments.
Exploring Our Faith: 4th– 6th and 7th – 9th
With the change back to Restored Order, our Faith Formation programs have seen a shift in how we teach our students. With three sacraments prepared for by the third grade, there are very specific parts of our faith that must be covered in a short period of time. This makes open discussion and true exploration difficult for our catechists and our students. With that in mind, we have developed a program that lets each of us explore what it means to be Catholic. This program allows for questions you may have to be investigated and your knowledge shared. This program will meet at the same time as our Classroom model for K-3 as well as have a Family model option. It will be a three-year rotation with each year having an emphasis on one of the following: The Church, the Bible, and Morality. Our hope is that this program becomes a bridge between being taught about your faith to becoming true missionary disciples for it.
Email Megan Licata at [email protected] for more information or call the Parish office, 603-742-4837 with any questions.